"Solaris " CENTRE


              - Home economics, sewing, agriculture


              This centre is situated in the parish of Batouri, at the borders of the Republic of Centre Africa. It is part of the Mission founded in 1951 by the Spiritan Fathers to bring literacy to Baka people (Pygmies tribes) in the tropical forest.

              In 1966, the Spiritan Sisters have contributed by creating a medical centre (medical and pregnancy care).

              En 1986, the Polish Sisters from « the Soul of Christ » congregation helped by setting up a trial for a home economics school. The complexity of this Centre was the making of the Centre: So far away for any help, therefore they used the local materials for the buildings. (Wood)

              From 2010, Apprentis Du Monde/Cameroun helped by setting up a training program in sewing and purchased 50 sewing machines in 2012. The materials were distributed to successful pupils at the end of the training to allow them to practice their skill.

              As the buildings in the Centre were empty, ADM could see the opportunity to use the Centre for masonry training of Abong.Mbang therefore building new classrooms and restoring existing buildings

              Setting the hygiene standard for medical care (glazier, tiling, armouring of the pharmacy storage, access for wheelchairs, sanitary, bedding etc…) These work will be done together by the former carpenter apprentices  trained by the association.

Works To do :           

              - 2 classrooms of 9.00/9.50 m. per classroom        


              - 1 library of 100 m2                                                 

              - Restauration of existing building                           

              The difficulty of this project is the distance from any urban centres. (Scrubland) which makes it difficult to transport material (between70 km and 115 km).

              The masonry apprentices follow the academic lessons in the Masih Iqbal Centre at Abong-Mbang during the wet seasons and practice on site during the dry seasons.

Arial view of Djouth