Sponsors of the Associations (Board of Trustees and Advisors)

Several personalities are helping or have helped Apprentis du Monde with their moral support:

- Mme Christiane Brunner (1995 - )

- Mme Emmanuella Blaser (1995 - )

- M. Pascal Couchepin (1995 - )

- M. Simon Epiney (1995 - )

- M. Lova Golovtchiner (1995 - )

- Monseigneur Charles Morerod (2012 - )

- M. Florent Troillet (2012 - )

- M. Stéphane de May (2012 - )

- Son Eminence Henri cardinal Schwery (1995 à 2012)

- M. Clay Regazzoni (1995 – +2006)